Tuesday, August 10, 2010

My Thoughts on This Class

I have learned so much from this class. The course material is very interesting and is also quite diverse. Since there were so many topics covered I did not get bored and was constantly learning new things. Overall, the biggest thing I learned from this class was how to succeed in an online class. This was my first online class and I was a little nervous going into it. I am a little embarrassed to say that this is first time I have read an entire text book. Because there is no lecture portion to this class, it is completely up to me to learn the material.
My favorite thing about this class was probably the fact that I could go at my own pace. Even though we had things due every week, it was nice to be able to turn assignments in at any time of day. I also really enjoyed reading all of the posts. It was interesting to find out what everybody thought about some of the course concepts.
I don't necessarily have a least favorite thing about this class. Something that I had a hard time getting used to though was relying solely on the text book to learn the material. In the past I have been heavily reliant on lecture notes. I am glad that I was able to learn a new way to study.
I don't really think anything can be done to improve this class. Professor Perez was very responsive and helpful. I am very glad that I took this class.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I thought this course was interesting too, because of the diverse topics and discussions we had. Like you this was my first online class and the first class that I read the entire text book, because I had no lecture notes. It was hard trying to understand some of the concepts in the textbook, since I have relied on visuals or face to face discussions to help me out in the past. However, reading my peers blog posts helped to clear some. I too liked the fact that I could go at my own pace and blog when free, since my three kids are home!!! I too enjoyed this class and thought Prof. Perez organized it very well!!

  3. I am glad that you were able to succeed in your first online course. I have taken them before but changing from blackboard to desire2learn was the hard part for me. But your right professor Perez was very detailed and that helps a great deal with online teaching. I find that I read the text books more when it is an online course as well, so don't feel bad. We do only have the book and each other to learn so it is imperative that one reads. I agree that the class was very interesting and even though many topics were familiar reading each others post gave it a new feel for concepts.

  4. I am also very happy that you enjoyed the class as much as I did, or at least it sounds like it! Having an online class can sometimes make you feel like you are alone but I never once felt that way while taking this class. I agree with you when you said that having the class at your pace really helped. I never felt like I was rushing to finish something or worried about not hitting a deadline. I did find it a little bit different not being able to go over the book with someone and I think that in the beginning that was affected with my quiz scores.I think that we all came together in the end and the mix of Prof Perez making the class so organized really made us get through it on top.

  5. You bring up a interesting point when referring to the importance of lecture. In this class it seems one could simply read the book and get a fairly decent understanding of the concepts covered. The book is well written and easy to follow. However, I think that without the guidance and feedback from a lecture, some topics may have been misinterpreted y myself and others. Maybe Carol could have responded to her own blog assignments the week after they were assigned so that we can ensure that we were on the right track. In other classes I've taken, there were times when I felt as though I thoroughly understood the material only to find out during lecture that I had missed a key concept. Without the lecture, I would have missed this.
