Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Favorite Concept: Ethnography

One of my favorite concepts throughout this course was the concept of ethnography. Research is such an important part of learning about new things so I find all areas of research somewhat interesting. What makes ethnography stand out to me is that it involves the researcher going "undercover" to conduct the research. The researcher actually gets involved in the group they are studying. However, since the researcher can get involved with relationships there is the possibility that the research may end up being a little biased. Even though researchers try their best to conduct reliable research it is possible that this method may provide contaminated evidence.
I chose this concept because I find it so interesting. I like the fact that the researcher actually shares some of the experiences with those being observed. I also think that it is the best research method to produce authentic results. For example, if the researcher can keep his or her personal feelings out of the research, and the subjects don't know they are being observed, the researcher is able to observe people in their natural environment.


  1. I think that ethnography is one of the most interesting ways to research as well. I like that you said it involves some the researcher to go “undercover” because it does and I think that in some way that interests all of us. It seems like a more exciting alternative then just sitting in a lab doing experiments, in ethnography we are actually living and doing what our subjects are doing or the way you put it, “sharing experiences” and I think that’s why it is so exciting to me. It is true that if the researcher gets too emotionally attached they can become biased but that is just a down side of the research method just like I am sure every other method also has down sides.

  2. Hey there Sweet Dee! We made it to the last week of class! I hope you enjoyed the class over the last 10 weeks. I know it was long but I think the class was great. I really enjoyed reading your post this week. I really enjoyed learning about ethnography as well. What I liked most about ethnography was that you went undercover and you learned about a culture first hand. In anthropology the scientists go out and research other cultures and they make their purpose known. This sometimes leads to false information from the people because they want the anthropologist to write good things about them. When you go undercover you are likely to get true information.
