Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Concept I Found Most Interesting: Nonverbal Communication

I found nonverbal communication to be the most interesting concept from this class. I have always known that people communicated nonverbally however, I never fully understood how big of an impact it can have. I also thought that the eyes were the part of the body that gave away if a person was lying, when in fact, it is a person's body language. A person simply playing with their jewelry or hair can indicate that they are nervous or uncomfortable. Nonverbal communication is basically a whole other language that needs to be studied. I also found it interesting that there is debate about who is communicating in nonverbal communication, whether it is the sender or the receiver. In some cases, the sender doesn't even realize they are sending a message and the person receiving the message may not be the intended receiver.
The whole idea of nonverbal communication is fascinating. There are so many aspects about it that can be studied. I really enjoyed doing the journal on this topic because I found it so interesting. After learning about nonverbal communication I have been extra conscious about my own body language and the nonverbal messages I send people. However, I am sure that I still send nonverbal messages without even realizing.

1 comment:

  1. I found nonverbal communication to be the most interesting topic as well. And as you I never knew how big of an impact it truly has. I always heard the saying “actions speak louder than words” but after reading about nonverbal communication I can really say I completely agree and understand the saying much better. I was also surprised to read that the body language was in fact the place to look for cues from the speaker about lying. I was always told to look at the eyes and see where they were looking. And also, the debate on who is communicating during nonverbal communication was very interesting. It is a really tough debate because I can see both sides of the debate as true. It is one of those complex ideas that can be seen both ways. Great blog, thanks for sharing!
